“It is literally nothing short of magic

Alastair Innes
Legal Director

Amey is a UK-based engineering and infrastructure provider, with over 11,000 employees. Alastair works with the commercial teams to deliver against contractual requirements and win bids for new projects. Before Nomio, opportunities were lost and obligations missed. Now, Amey has much more money, time, and a better reputation for winning new business.

Here’s where Nomio helped:

  1. Turning weeks into seconds
  2. Saving millions
  3. Shifting from loss prevention to winning
  4. Demonstrating compliance
  5. Improving client relationships
  6. Taking away the pain from implementation
  7. Delivering on our promise
1. Turning weeks into seconds
“Instead of two weeks, it’s seconds
Portfolio-level questions were extremely costly to answer

“Before using Nomio, we had inconsistent storage of data. We were reliant on people to recall where they had stored that data. Any question that you might ask of the whole portfolio was an exercise. It was a project. It was something that would require bringing the team together so that they understood the context, explaining what it was that you wanted, and then pushing the team out into their respective contracts to answer all the questions before then coming back and looking at what they had found.”

Multiple people doing manual work = inconsistency

“Then we would gather the team together. So we're talking 12 contract managers. All 12 of those contract managers would come back onto a call. They would offer us the information. It would all be inconsistently approached. There would be differing levels of detail offered by each of the contract managers. And we would have to go through a process of trying to amalgamate all that information into something that could then be decided upon. Do we have to get consents of the lenders? Do we have to get consent of the authority? Do we have to get consents of the subcontractors?”

Nomio turns weeks into seconds

“Instead of two weeks, it's seconds. It's fantastic. At one point it was an unbelievable exercise that we'd be asking of the team. Now with Nomio, it's an immediate response to a question. It's transformed our ability to manage those contracts.”

2. Saving millions
“We view Nomio’s license fee as almost being noise
When things go wrong, you pay a lot to protect yourself

“We were the designer on a roads contract, and we had pointed out that our contractor, for whom we were working, was not doing what they were supposed to be doing. They were failing in their ability to hit their completion targets on time. In readiness for that claim that we could see coming, we worked up a defence, we worked up adjudication proceedings, responses to adjudication proceedings, insurance positions to make sure that we were covered in all respects.”

Do it much faster and cheaper with Nomio

“It took us an awful lot of money. We’re talking £1.5M of legal fees, £1.5M of insurance fees. If we'd not taken those steps, we would have been on the wrong end of many tens of millions of pounds worth of adjudication. But if we’d had Nomio, we would have been able to do that right from the outset, without the need for any of the legal fees.”

Nomio’s cost is minimal compared to what it saves

“We view Nomio’s license fee as almost being noise compared to the enormity of the cost of not getting the responses right or responses back in time. The cost-benefit as far as we're concerned is hugely in favour of Nomio.”

3. Shifting from loss prevention to winning
“Nomio is an absolutely integral part of controlling risk”
Mitigating losses pulls you away from winning

“When you add in the internal commitment to preparing for a claim like that, it's just off the scale. I should have been involved in bidding for other projects, in winning more work for Amey.”

The opportunity cost is enormous

“That £3M is quite a small number compared to not winning another project as a result of deploying your team on protection of risk. You're talking hundreds of millions of revenue that you're consciously not pursuing because you're focusing your management time on a defensive action.”

Controlling risk gives you confidence

“Nomio is an absolutely integral part of controlling risk. Once you have the risk under control, then suddenly you can go out into the market with that aura of confidence that clients will see as a result of knowing that when you do something, you're going to follow it through. It's a transformational position to be in.”

You can focus on the real value: growth

“And that means that management can look at growing the business. And that's where the real value is, where the real return on your investment arises. It is absolutely worthwhile taking those steps, because when you get to the other side, the value is huge.”

4. Demonstrating compliance
“Nomio is providing me with a forcefield against those bullets”
There is more scrutiny now than ever

“In this in this day of litigation where every pound is being fought for, it's not enough to be able to say “we've complied with our contract”. We need to be able to show that we've honoured our promises and demonstrate that we have complied with our contracts.”

Nomio is your forcefield against that scrutiny

“When those bullets come flying at us, I would like to be able to say “we have done what we've said, and I can demonstrate that”. And that's my forcefield. That's my shield that we put up that the bullets fly off. If we can get our business into a position where we have got demonstrable compliance, the forcefield is complete. Nomio helps us unbelievably in this respect.”

5. Improving client relationships
Transformational in your ability to win work”
Nomio gives you an aura of competence

“With Nomio, when we join meetings, we are confident that we've done it right. Because our counterparties know that we are doing things right and can demonstrate that we have done things right, their view of us changes from being the whipping boy, the culprit, the person that's got it wrong, to being a partner, somebody that they would look to for advice.”

Your clients will pay you to solve more problems

“They're looking to us to help out with other problems. They're looking to roll other issues that they have within their portfolio into our portfolio. That's generated very significant swathes of additional cash to us as a result of a changed relationship, which is down to the impact that Nomio's had on the way we do business.”

A better reputation means you win more work

“Once you achieve that cultural shift from being the underdog to being the trusted partner, that shift is transformational in your ability to win work. We can't put a price on that.”

6. Taking away the pain from implementation
“It is literally nothing short of magic
Implementation is a major blocker

“So many of the contract management systems we've seen, they promise the world and A: they don't deliver what it is they promise, but B: it is so difficult to implement. You end up spending all that management time that should be out there bidding, trying to implement a system which ultimately doesn't work particularly well.”

Nomio works magic to set you up

“Nomio has been different. You take our contract set, you work what I can only describe as magic on that contract set, and you deliver up a system that makes my job and the contract manager's job very much more straightforward than it would otherwise be. It is literally nothing short of magic.”

You won’t want to go back!

“I'm constantly being pitched to by various contract management systems, extolling all their virtues. And I don't listen to them anymore. I'm not agreeing to those calls. I'm not doing anything on that front, because I feel that we've got exactly what we need in the form of Nomio.”

7. Delivering on our promise
“We absolutely love where we’ve got to”
You sure we haven’t paid you to say all this?

“I mean all of it! The beauty of this is that it's true. I'm not making this up. I was skeptical. I didn't think that what you were offering was going to achieve what you were saying. But it does.”

AI alone isn’t trustworthy enough

“My background was as an engineer. I designed early form AI, and I know that there are limitations to how AI works. Knowing how people work in my business, people have a huge tendency to rely on systems rather than undertaking the work themselves. You might put that down to laziness, or you might put it down to just a very full workload that means they don't have any choice. But reliance on the AI systems that I've seen at the moment, I think is dangerous. With all the AI in the world, including a human in that process is the difference, I think.”

If you’re still skeptical…

“I’d just say try it. If they’re making all these promises to be able to do stuff. Put them to the test. We did and we absolutely love where we’ve got to. The demand is enormous. Other parts of the business are all falling over themselves to bring their documents to you!”

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Sarah Knowles
Head of PPP Asset Management

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