Fully Managed Contract REPOSITORY

The contract repository that does the work for you

Find information in seconds, stay ahead of deadlines, and uncover hidden risks. All in one beautifully organised contract repository that we build and maintain for you.


Trusted by leading commercial and legal teams


What our customers say

White play icon on a black background
Sarah Knowles
Head of PPP Asset Management
White play icon on a black background
Charlotte Horne
Group Legal Director
White play icon on a black background
Robin Fisher
General Counsel EMEA
“We now couldn’t imagine working without Nomio”
“Nomio adds immediate value”
“It’s already become a big part of how we operate”
“The Monday reminder emails are brilliant”
“Nomio is brilliant - I feel like it gives me superpowers”
“The accuracy is just great”
“It’s so intuitive and innovative”
“Nomio has simplified our whole process”
“We haven't missed anything”
“CLMs have so many superfluous features that we just don't need”
“Revolutionary in accelerating our ability to produce an accurate ARR that investors can trust”
“Understanding our liability exposure without Nomio would have been a nightmare”
“Nomio is just clean. I love it”
“Amazing and like nothing I’ve seen before”
“It’s the opposite of the clunky stuff I’m used to”
“Nomio has added value from the moment documents were uploaded”
“Nomio is literally the best tool in the world”
“We love Nomio - it's the best thing in the world”
“Critical for RevOps”
“Using Nomio means I can lower risk for our business”
“I can just leave it to the Nomio team and know that everything will be correct”
“Nomio is just really easy to use”
“Hugely reassuring”
“Your focus makes your product so good”
“When someone comes to me with a question I can just search it and answer really quickly”
“Nomio has unlocked so much power and made our lives so much easier”
“Really helpful for anyone new to the team”
“This saves me hours and hours of work”
“What used to take me 1 hour now takes me 5 minutes because of Nomio”
“We’ve been crying out for a system like Nomio for years now”
“With Nomio it’s so easy - everything you need is right in front of you”
“It’s so easy to locate information in contracts using Nomio”
“Nomio gives us a level of personalised service you just don’t get anywhere”
“Many thanks for getting this set up so quickly”
“I’m literally blown away by Nomio”

A single source of truth

Immediately understand your agreements

Nomio gives you a clear summary of key terms so you can see critical information at a glance.

If you want to see its context, jump directly to the relevant clause with our Smart Documents. No more trawling through pages of text to locate just a few key points.

ONE HOME FOR all your contracts

Built to give you peace of mind

Transform your legal agreements into a searchable, intelligent contract repository and gain the insights you need, instantly. No more chaos.

Universal Search

Find what you need in seconds

Think of Nomio's universal search like having Google across your entire set of agreements and clauses, all at once.

Stop CTRL-F'ing your way through individual documents.

A screenshot of the clause search in Nomio showing results for "terminate"

Intelligent Timeline

Never miss another deadline

Most contracts don't explicitly state when they expire or auto-renew. This means that simply "extracting" information isn't good enough.

Nomio auto-calculates important dates such as expiry and renewal deadlines and sends you reminders in advance.

A screenshot from Nomio showing the agreement view and how Nomio calculates the renewal notice deadline.

Control Who Sees What

Visibility for the whole business

Nomio lets your business securely self-serve contractual information.

With unlimited seats, control who sees what with custom labels. Give each team the visibility it needs without the headache of managing permissions for files and folders.

A screenshot from Nomio showing a new user being added.

We're here to help

No chatbots. No offshored support. Just us. Whether you'd like a demo or have a question, simply get in touch and we'll get back to you today.

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