Case Studies
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Warning: we have them
Why you shouldn’t DIY a contract database
It's not your fault
Blue horse with wings
Wide vs deep
Defying logic
Cheap parachutes
Heavyweight vs practical
Spend vs contract
Looks easy, is hard
Use fewer categories
Contractual incompetence
Murderous maze
Greed is good
Walled gardens
Investment vs insurance
Too many laws
Polishing turds
Is there any tradeoff to simplicity?
Root source
It's the product's fault
Digital clear-out
Carbonised bread
Order vs chaos
Software is cheap
Why are key dates so hard?
Concentrate responsibility
Division of labour
If contracts were standardised
The database shouldn't care
Progressive enhancement
Missing keys
Perfect software
Exploit your IP
Communist contracts
Standardising chaos
Same contract, different teams
Two (3) years
Blacksmiths vs knights
Water pistols and forest fires
The cost onion
Value, not volume
Hidden costs
Edge cases
Data extraction is dead
Logical errors
Contracts = programs + data
From nebulous to concrete
Flexibility over features
Optimise for management
Flooding the toilet
Accounts in your head
Accessibility before analysis
Auto-renewals are good
Integrations are not enough
Atomic contracts
Configuration hell
Mutual sloppiness
Flight vs destination
Know the rules
Do you need it?
Safely close deals faster
Intersecting worlds
Relationship damage
Zombie paper cuts
Reasoning vs retrieval
The invisible 90%
Copy and paste
Important, hard, neglected
Dirty deals
Complexity requires checkpoints
Optimise for minimal effort
Inefficient bins
Toothbrush data
The critical step hiding in plain sight
How most companies do post-signature
Wooden rocket
Sharp edges
Contract fragmentation
Contracts on autopilot
Expensive wasted negotiation
Build a contract database before it's too late
The one integration that matters
Fuzzy and logical
The first three problems
You're losing free money
Short over long
We're all in
Your SharePoint contract database will fail
Water, not sludge
Truth diverters
Grandma's driveway
Contract databases require shape
An Iron Man suit for contracts
Teaching calculus to a chicken
You can't be trusted
Humans scale better than AI