“It’s changed the way I structure my day

Alan Drinkwater
Head of UK Property & Estates

Socotec is a global leader in testing, inspection, and certification. Alan is responsible for managing their 70+ UK sites, which involves juggling a lot of leases. Nomio has saved him time, stress, and the need to hire an extra person into his team.

Here’s where Nomio helped:

  1. Establishing order from chaos
  2. Finding information in minutes, not days
  3. Responding to stressful situations
  4. Removing the need to hire someone
  5. A painless implementation
1. Establishing order from chaos
“What I’ve got from Nomio is a live database”

“Before Nomio, it was very, very untidy, very unprofessional. I was struggling with the volume of lease agreements that we had. Scanned images of other scanned images meant that you couldn’t use the Ctrl+F function and search the actual agreements.”

“Nothing had been compiled into spreadsheets to give you an overview. You would hope that over the course of the two years I've been here, you would start to build up that Excel database yourself, but I haven't, and that Excel database wouldn't be live anyway.”

“What I've got from Nomio is a live database. Because our property portfolio changes that frequently with acquisitions and consolidations, even the report I pulled this week for IT was different to the report four weeks ago. So the information is live, it is current. That live information flushes through to what I'm passing on to people.”

2. Finding information in minutes, not days
“The search function is absolutely exceptional
Answering questions was a chore

“When you're asked a question, it goes to the bottom of the pile. You don't want to deal with it because you know the amount of time it's going to take to retrieve that piece of information. It would have been hours. Every lease is different and every lease is written differently. So if somebody asked me a question in the morning at best I would be answering in the afternoon.”

Not with Nomio!

“Nomio has been fantastic for that. The digitised document and the search function is absolutely exceptional. The live data retrieval is absolutely fantastic. It's changed the way I structure my day - I haven't got to structure a part of my day for finding information.”

Nomio turns days into minutes

“Even yesterday, I was asked by our I.T. department for a current list of live locations. It took me round about two minutes to download it. Before, I'd say, that was probably going to be days of work.”

3. Responding to stressful situations
“It makes you look really, really professional”
Always be ready in meetings

“It makes you look really, really professional. I can sit in any meeting and with full confidence, if somebody asks a question on a lease, I can find it while we're sat in that meeting. And it's that simple to do.”

No more stress and anxiety

“Nomio's de-stressed that scenario for me because you can be asked by the CFO or the CEO at any time, for example because we're buying another company, so we need to look at the cost of merging properties. They want the information very, very quickly. So it's quite stressful. Nomio’s taken that stress and anxiety away.”

Plan ahead

“When I'm in the two monthly estates meetings, now I go in armed with what events are coming up over the next review period. When we start doing the budgets in September for next year, we know to include a provision for rent reviews, which hadn't previously been done. There was a misunderstanding that if a rent review hadn't been activated by a landlord, everybody thought it had gone away. In reality, it hasn't. The fact that we're accruing for it means that we're financially sound.”

Nomio > spreadsheets

“I think I can only reiterate that Nomio gives you an element of professionalism that you don't get from operating from spreadsheets.”

4. Removing the need to hire someone
“I would attribute Nomio to saving me a person
Managing contracts requires more staff

“Prior to Nomio, I was actually looking at bringing in an assistant to work with me, partly because of the volume of questions that were coming in regarding leases and the lease management and the clause management.”

But Nomio can do it instead

“Once I really got into Nomio and started using it, I removed that requirement. I would attribute Nomio to saving me a person or 50% of a person.”

5. A painless implementation
“It’s exactly as you sell it”
Other solutions require months of work

“I think the doubts and fears were that we were going to have to do more on the upload side, that it wasn't going to be as simple as drag and drop, which it is. We've used other services in the past where it's been sold as “you do nothing, we'll take it all off your hands”, and then all of a sudden I've got to give them a whole pile of information that takes me months to compile.”

Nomio requires virtually none

“With Nomio, it just wasn't that way at all. It was literally here's the drop box, drop it into that location and it will be done for you. It's exactly as you sell it. It has done exactly what it says on the tin for me. I couldn't thank you more for pushing it in my direction!”

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