Case Studies
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Warning: we have them
No blueprint = Gameboy with no game
Contract infrastructure must be flexible
"Our AI is better than theirs!"
We are not a document processing solution
Plan for complexity
Why we don't offshore our most important job
Contract management lemons
One outstanding analysis
Your contract names suck
We don't disrupt your existing workflow
Mistakes in your contracts
Why capturing everything is a bad idea
Quality over speed
The insane no man’s land of contract complexity
Reducing points of failure
Why we include unlimited users
You need a taxonomy
Data needs to link back to where it came from
Learning curves = failure
How to build a contract database
You can’t be both accuracy-first and AI-first
Why we aren't on review sites
Start simple
You don’t want to configure notifications
You will fail without a blueprint
Why “we extract key dates” is bulls***
An agreement is not one document
Why “reminders for key dates” doesn’t work
Why “data extraction” doesn’t work